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Posts: 315
Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2023 1:32 am
Location: Vicksburg, MS
ISC2 Member Status: Yes


Post by rbc »

Welcome to the ISC2 Central Mississippi Chapter. Our chapter is comprised of ISC2 members and non-members who are interested in the cybersecurity industry and profession, as well as advancing the ISC2 vision of inspiring a safe and secure cyber world. Our chapter provide members with opportunities to share knowledge, grow professionally, educate others, and collaborate on projects.

Joining the ISC2 Central Mississippi Chapter offers many benefits. In addition to gaining a sense of fellowship with colleagues in your profession, you will also be able to network and exchange knowledge with ISC2 credential holders and other information security professionals who live and work in your local area. Other benefits include the ability to:
  • Attend presentations by leaders in the information security profession
  • Earn CPEs by participating in professional activities
  • Receive special discounts on ISC2 products and programs
  • Participate in co-sponsored events with other industry associations
  • Assist in ISC2 initiatives by speaking at industry events or writing articles for publication
  • Participate in local community outreach projects to educate people about information security
  • Engage in leadership roles
We also provide forums for ISACA's Jackson Chapter, Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) MS, InfraGard Mississippi, and CompTIA members. Please mention this in your profile when you join, so that we may add you to the correct groups. Group membership will provide you access to private forums, and allow you to receive email announcements for those groups.

To start your forum membership, please register.
Robert B. Carleton + ISC2 Central Mississippi Secretary
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