ISC2 Central Mississippi Chapter February Meeting

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ISC2 Central Mississippi Chapter February Meeting

Post by rbc »

Good day to all, I hope the new year finds you well. I'm pleased to announce the details of our February meeting. It will be held at 12:30 (lunchtime) on the 11th. The location is 303 Jefferson in Clinton. Here's the address:

303 Jefferson Street
Clinton, MS 39056

The topic will be DNSSEC, and email reputation (SPF, DMARC, and DKIM).

Some additional notes about going to the restaurant. There's a $250 minimum for the room that we are going to be in. If we don't meet the minimum, the chapter will pay the difference out of the treasury. There's enough money there for that, but hopefully we'll have enough of a turnout to cover the minimum.

Please RSVP if you will be attending. Let me know if you have any comments or questions.
Robert B. Carleton + ISC2 Central Mississippi Secretary
Posts: 315
Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2023 1:32 am
Location: Vicksburg, MS
ISC2 Member Status: Yes

Re: ISC2 Central Mississippi Chapter February Meeting

Post by rbc »

Here's the slide deck for the presentation.
DNSSEC/Email Reputation Presentation
(805.4 KiB) Downloaded 7 times
Robert B. Carleton + ISC2 Central Mississippi Secretary
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